Which of the fields or potential careers interested you the most?
- Based on the articles I read and the jobs part of the Technology Industry that I researched, I found that some potential careers that interests me are an Information Technology Manager(IT Manager), Computer Support Specialist, and Computer Systems Analyst. An IT Manager is in charge of helping certain organizations or companies modernize their businesses through the use of technology, so that they are always using the best technology. Additionally, they are typically found working on everything that needs to be done, even small tasks, or in business meetings planning new software upgrades. Secondly, a computer support specialist, spends most of the time on the phone receiving calls from customers or people having troubles with their computers, laptops, etc. Lastly, a Computer Systems Analyst, has the job of combining both technology and business. They work on the business aspect of technology such as costs of the new upgrades and who wants it. Therefore from the three the most interesting one for me is being an IT Manager because they work more with organization and making sure that everything is going good in the business and making arrangements so that the company is being successful.
What jobs did you become aware of that you had not heard of or did not know of previously?
- While researching, I discovered certain careers such as a Computer systems Administrator which has to be managing cables all day making sure the are wired correctly and are working properly so that all information can get through such as communication lines. Computer systems administrators have a median salary of $75, 790. Another one was an Information Security Analyst, whose job is to prevent a company's chances of getting a cyberattack. They work on creating security systems to protect the security of a company. A security analyst is the #5 Top Best job in Technology jobs and has a median salary of $88,890. You need to have a Bachelor's Degree in order to be accepted or to be looked at for a job of this style. There are certain problems you may encounter when working in this job, such as high stress levels and well flexibility may vary in this career.
Which jobs that you researched looked the most promising in terms of job outlook for the next ten years?
- In terms of job outlook for the next ten years, the most promising career is an IT Manager simplye because it has a lower unemployment rate and a good amount of projected jobs. An IT Manager, based on the statistics provided by usnews.com has about 53,700 projected jobs at the time with an unemployment rate of 1.8%. Which in this case is much less than the other two potential career choices I would shift to. An opportunity as a Computer Support Specialist right now is not as great or promising as a job of being an IT Manager. Currently, the projected jobs available are 13,600 with a 2% unemployment rate. Lastly, Computer Systems Analysts though this is the #1 job in the field of technology, there is a large number of projected jobs beginning at 118,600 jobs. Even with such a large number of jobs available, the unemployment rate is 2.6% which in turns becomes the highest rate of unemployment between the three options which is another motive as to why I lean more towards becoming an IT Manager.
What sort of preparation do you need to land a job in the field that you found more interesting?
- To get the job that I found the most interesting, there are certain requirements or in a way guidelines to follow in order to achieve the goal. In order to be hired as an IT Manager you must have a bachelor's degree in either computer or information science. One of the schools with the top programs in information science is the University of Illinois. Addtionally you must have some forms of experience with computer programming, mathematics or software development. Moreover you should have a graduate degree. First you'll begin off working in any IT job and later get promoted to an IT Manager and thus from there work your way up to whatever other occupation you may want to reach.

In order for me to get into the field that i found more interesting I have to set a plan that I will follow and which will hopefully get me to where I want to go. For starters being in high school, my plan is to graduate with my tech academy certificate so that therefore I have some experience and knowledge about using certain programs and working with different people through collaboration. From there hopefully get accepted into a UC and being enrolled in classes having to do with information science. From being enrolled I will work towards recieving a bachelor's degree in computer science and a graduate degree. Further I plan to be an intern in a company where I would have hopes in getting a job position there after my graduation. Therefore, once I graduate I will hopefully have a job to begin with, without having to wait and waste my time.
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